
更新- 2022年9月2日t - spplost和spplost道路重铺






- Kewanee Drive





Additional work will occur periodically on each road after paving including shoulder dressing, 植草, 和永久条纹.

Please note that the schedule will change based on weather and progress, 并将根据需要进行更新.

谢谢你! for your patience and understanding as we continue these projects!

更新- 2022年8月12日t - spplost和spplost道路重铺






Additional work will occur periodically on each road after paving including shoulder dressing, 植草, 和永久条纹. 北桃公园定于8月15日至19日进行条纹化.

The schedule will change based on weather and progress, and will be updated weekly.

谢谢你! for your patience and understanding as we continue these projects!

更新- 2022年8月5日t - spplost和spplost道路重铺

1. 诺伍德泉路-完工

2. 营地约翰希望路-完成

3. Clopine Lake Roaq -正在铺设中. 预计完工日期为8月8日.

4. 北桃公园- 8月9日至10日.

5. 柳湖路- 8月15日至17日.

6. 公园 & 工业- 8月18日至19日.

7. 七叶树路- 8月22日至9月2日.

Please note that the schedule will change based on weather and progress, and will be updated weekly.

更新- 2022年7月29日t-splost和splost道路重铺

1. 诺伍德泉路-完工

2. 营地约翰希望路-完成

3. 克洛平湖路,8月1日- 8日

4. 柳湖路- 8月9日- 8月12日

5. 北桃园-土方工程将于8月3日完成. 铺路预计将于8月12日完成. 此后将安排条带化.

感谢您的耐心,因为我们继续这个项目. 照片来了!


更新- 2022年7月13日t - spplost和spplost道路重铺

已签订一项路面重铺工程合约, 我们已经准备好派遣地面部队!  建筑工人将在 北桃公园停车场 (SPLOST)将于本周和下周初发布.  以下是承包商给我们的时间表:

  1. 克洛平湖路(SPLOST) 从7月15日星期五开始,很可能是7月18日
  2. 诺伍德泉路
  3. 约翰望道营
  4. 柳湖路
  5. 南桃园 & 工业路

一旦有新消息,我们会及时通知您. 谢谢你!!

更新- 2022年5月11日

竞标于2022年5月5日下午2点开始.m., at which point all information was gathered to be reviewed by the engineering firms.

5月9日, 2022, the review committee met to review all bids submitted to assure that all paperwork was submitted and accepted.

5月10日, 2022, the review committee made a recommendation to the 委员会 during the Regular 委员会 Meeting.

The 委员会 accepted the recommendation of the review committee and accepted bids from Reams and Robinson to resurface roads in 桃县.

接下来是主席在合同上签字, 我们希望在接下来的两(2)周内完成.

Below is a list of roads that will be completed in the first phase of the T-SPLOST resurfacing projects. 进一步的信息将尽快公布.

两家公司正在完成道路的重铺工作, 这项工作需要六到九个月的时间, 如果天气允许的话.

路的名字 长度
克洛平湖路 3.25英里
普雷斯顿路 .04英里
湖景镇的路 5.5英里
泰勒磨坊路第一期 .03公里
七叶路第1-5期 7.16英里
约翰希望营第一期 1.4英里
卡弗博士.  1.4英里
工业道/南园道环线 .5英里
诺克斯维尔圣.  .25英里
马修斯路 .65英里
诺伍德泉路 3.1英里
Woolfolk Rd 2.25英里
巷路 .5英里
泰勒磨坊路第二期 3.25英里
E. 塞米诺尔 1.25英里
柳湖路 1.75英里
老山胡桃路 .75英里
老橡树路 .55英里
红橡树路 .60英里
朗姆道/美因街 1.4英里
西塞米诺尔环 1.5英里
哈特利Rd 1.25英里
州立大学博士 2.5英里
希尔凡戴尔路 .5英里
罗杰博士 .06英里
舍伍德大街 .65英里
苏丹路 .55英里
堡开车 .02年英里
桃子Rd .63英里
山谷的路 .63英里
Fieldcrest Rd .65英里
Powersville路一期 2.5英里
河路 6.75英里
香槟博士.  .03公里
豪斯米尔路 1.2英里
雪橇Rd .62英里
琼斯Rd 1.45英里
凯路 1.65英里
圣经营路 2.4英里
Burnette Rd 3.15英里
E. 卫斯理教堂路 1.1英里
灌木篱墙圆 .65英里
W. 卫斯理教堂路 1.1英里
莫斯利Rd 7.2英里



Since the Voters of 桃县’s approval of the T-SPLOST and the Bond Issue November 2, 2022, the 桃县 委员会 has been working with the Bond Counsel to complete a Bond Issue.  预计完工日期为2022年3月30日.  同时, the Board has been working with two engineering groups to engineer the resurfacing of the majority of the roads listed as primary.   The Engineering group has completed their work, and we are going out for a bid on March 23, 2022.  The listing of the bids will be in the local organ (The Leader Tribune) and on our website.  这些广告我们得播30天.  

我们将根据进展进一步更新. 谢谢你!!

The transportation system throughout 桃县 is the single most important and expensive infrastructure system to build and maintain. Our county roads and city streets are used daily by the traveling public. The construction and maintenance of this transportation system is vitally important to the quality of life of the residents of our community, 以及它对工商业的吸引力.

桃县的居民, including those who live in the 拜伦市 and 谷堡市, could take advantage of the Single-County Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (T-SPLOST) for addressing multiple transportation concerns. 从铺设和重新铺设拜伦市的许多街道, 谷堡市, 以及桃县的非建制地区. One hundred percent of the funds collected by this initiative will be spent on transportation projects in this community.

桃县主席马丁·莫斯利说, 迈克尔·奇德斯特市长, and Mayor Barbara Williams have signed an Intergovernmental Agreement that clears a hurdle for a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for Transportation purposes to go before voters. 6月8日, the 桃县 委员会 met formally to call for the item to be placed on the November 2, 2021, 投票.

All Peach voters will consider a 1 cent sales tax that would authorize transportation projects like streets and roads, 立交桥, 交通管制改善, 和更多的. The proceeds from this 5-year T-SPLOST is projected at a maximum $27 million. 桃县, the 拜伦市, and Fort Valley have agreed to share the funds with a 62.93%(桃县.76%(拜伦市),17.23% (Fort Valley市.89%(华纳罗宾斯市),1.19% (City of Perry) split and selected projects that are important to each jurisdiction.

本网站提供有关T-SPLOST计划的信息, including an overview of the legislation that made this initiative possible, a list of potential projects to be funded by this initiative 和更多的.





The  Transportation Investment Act (TIA) passed by the legislature in 2010 provided an opportunity for regions throughout Georgia to impose a 1 percent Regional Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) to fund transportation improvements within their region.

提供另一种交通资金选择, 乔治亚州议会于2015年通过了单一县TSPLOST. The Single County TSPLOST allows individual counties that are not part of a regional effort to levy a sales tax solely dedicated for transportation purposes.

To qualify for a Single County TSPLOST, the county must already impose a regular SPLOST. TSPLOST is meant to meet a transportation need above and beyond regular SPLOST or to free up regular SPLOST for non-transportation related capital projects. Single County TSPLOST can be levied up to five years at a fractional rate up to 1 percent in .05 percent increments if there is an intergovernmental agreement with the qualified cities within the county.

If there is no intergovernmental agreement in place, the tax can only be levied up to .75%. 没有任何政府间协议, the default distribution formula between the county and its cities is a formula based on the amount of expenditures made for transportation in the most recent three fiscal years.

A Regional TSPLOST allows for the tax to be levied up to 10 years and 25 percent of the funds are discretionary money that goes back to each individual local government. An incentive to pass a Regional TSPLOST is that the Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) match is 10 percent in contrast to the 30 percent required for non-regional TSPLOST local government.